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Kenya has made a tremendous development in providing safe and productive sanitation over the last years. Ecological sanitation (ecosan) with its focus on making use of the valuable resources in sanitation like nutrients (fertilizer), water and biogas has played a major role in this process. However there are still gaps in service provision of ecological sanitation, especially training and capacity building in Kenya. The Kenyan GTZ water program and the German GTZ Sustainable sanitation - ecosan program aims to fill this current gap. We would like to bring together Kenyan institutional players, opinion leaders, promoters and entrepreneurs of ecosan and sanitation to discuss about the vision and impact of ecosan in Kenya. What services do Kenyans, its institutions and the private sector need to reap the enormous potential of ecological and other sustainable sanitation solutions for public health and wealth?
Therefore we welcome you/ and/or your sanitation expert to join our ecosan vision workshop in Nairobi facilitated by Kenyan ecosan experts and consultants from seecon (http://www.seecon.che/ Switzerland) and Ecosan Service Foundation India (http://ecosanservices.org/esf/  India):

Date: Monday, 8:00 am, September 27th, 2010
Venue: Red Court Hotel – off Mombasa Road, Nairobi

The workshop attendance including lunch and tea is free. Overnight accommodation, travel costs and any other associated expenses would need to be met from within your own resources. For more detailed information please find attached the workshop program including the directions to the venue.

We would highly appreciate your participation in the workshop and kindly ask you for your confirmation by 1st September 2010 via e-mail at ecosankenya@gmail.com .

For online registration klick here

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The draft program is as following:

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